A person holds up a piece of paper with combined gender symbols.
A person holds up a piece of paper with combined gender symbols.
A person holds up a piece of paper with combined gender symbols.

Preparing for Gender Affirmation Surgery: Ask the Experts

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Preparing for your gender affirmation surgery can be daunting. 为了帮助那些考虑进行性别确认程序的人提供一些指导,我们的团队来自 约翰霍普金斯跨性别和性别扩展健康中心 (JHCTGEH) 回答了一些关于手术前后会发生什么的问题.

What kind of care should I expect as a transgender individual?

What kind of care should I expect as a transgender individual? Before beginning the process, 我们建议阅读 世界跨性别健康护理标准专业协会(SOC)。. 这些标准是根据医疗保健临床医生之间的国际协议,并与跨性别社区合作制定的. 这些SOC整合了最新的跨性别健康科学研究, 以及跨性别群体成员的生活经历. 这种合作至关重要,这样医生才能最好地满足跨性别者和性别多样化者独特的保健需求. 如果你选择进行性别确认手术的医院在他们的跨性别护理实践中遵循或参考这些标准,这通常是一个有利的迹象.

Can I still have children after gender affirmation surgery?

如果生孩子是他们长期目标的一部分,许多跨性别者选择在进行性别确认手术之前进行生育能力保存. Discuss all your options, such as sperm banking and egg freezing, 与你的医生一起,这样你就可以为未来的家庭建设制定最佳计划. JHCTGEH有生育专家与您会面,并制定符合您目标的计划.

Are there other ways I need to prepare?

It is very important to prepare mentally for your surgery. If you haven’t already done so, 与做过性别确认手术的人交谈,或者阅读第一手资料. These conversations and articles may be helpful; however, 记住,不是你读到的所有东西都适用于你的情况. 如果你对你的个人护理是否适用有疑问, it is always best to talk to your doctor.

You will also want to think about your recovery plan post-surgery. 你有朋友或家人可以在手术后的日子里帮助照顾你吗? 有一个支持系统对你术后和长期的持续健康都是至关重要的. 大多数中心都有具体的出院说明,你会在手术后收到. 询问你是否可以提前收到一份这些说明的副本,这样你就可以熟悉这些信息.

An initial intake interview via phone with a clinical specialist.

This is your first point of contact with the clinical team, where you will review your medical history, discuss which procedures you’d like to learn more about, clarify what is required by your insurance company for surgery, and develop a plan for next steps. 如果你准备好与临床医生讨论的这些文件,将使你的电话更有成效:

  • Medications. 关于你目前正在服用的处方药和非处方药的信息.
  • Insurance. 打电话给你的保险公司,看看你的手术是否属于“承保范围”,以及他们对你做手术的要求是什么.
  • Medical Documents. 手头上有你经常见到的任何临床医生的姓名、地址和全球十大外围足球平台吗. This includes your primary care clinician, therapists or psychiatrists, 还有其他健康专家,比如心脏病专家或神经科医生.


  • 如果适用,记录激素治疗的药房记录和医疗记录
  • Medical records from your primary physician.
  • 心理健康提供者的手术准备推荐信,记录他们的评估和评价

An appointment with your surgeon. 

After your intake, 一旦你提交了所有需要的文件你就会被安排进行外科会诊. These are in-person visits where you will get to meet the surgeon.  专业护士和社会工作者将首先与你会面,对你的医疗健康状况和主要手术的准备情况进行评估. 讨论你的长期性别肯定目标,并评估哪些程序可能最适合帮助你完成你的旅程. Specific details about the procedures you and your surgeon identify, including the risks, benefits and what to expect after surgery.

A preoperative anesthesia and medical evaluation. 

Two to four weeks before your surgery, you may be asked to complete these evaluations at the hospital, which ensure that you are healthy enough for surgery.

What can I expect after gender affirming surgery?

当你完成了性别确认的外科手术, 我们鼓励您跟踪您的初级保健医生,以确保他们有关于您的健康的最新信息. 你的医生可以为你制定一个最适合你需要的长期护理计划. 这取决于你的具体手术和你继续拥有的器官, 你可能需要找泌尿科医生或妇科医生做常规的癌症筛查. JHCTGEH has primary care clinicians as well as an OB/GYN and urologists on staff.

在其他变化中,您可以考虑更新您的姓名和身份证明. This list of resources 对于跨性别者和性别多样化的人来说,他们可以在这个过程中帮助你.


Embracing diversity and inclusion, 跨性别和性别扩展健康中心提供肯定, objective, person-centered care to improve health and enhance wellness; educates interdisciplinary health care professionals to provide culturally competent, evidence-based care; informs the public on transgender health issues; and advances medical knowledge by conducting biomedical research.

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